I was chilling with my brother in the drive thru at Jack in the Box waiting on my food and while we were stuck in the drive thru, it started looking weird when I noticed somebody in the car behind us get out of the car and go to the trunk for a few minutes until the cars started moving again.
We pulled off and we drove down the streets and cocked the gun and we turned the corner and seen the car that was behind us in the drive thru. We let off shots and stepped on the gas. I looked back and the car was right behind us still. We let more shots off then the gun jammed. When the gun jammed we got low and my brother stepped on the gas. The other car sent shots back. I was thinking in my head who is bruh? For blocks he was following us and then he rammed our car into another car. When we crashed my bro yelled “I’m hit!” I heard four more shots then the car skirted off. We both got out the car. Bro told me leave so I did. I jumped a few gates and heard police sirens and my brother yelling “I need an ambulance bruh!” I looked through the crack in the gate and seen the police holding my brothers face to stop the bleeding.
When I told my friends about the story, they were mad that the situation turned out like that. They also told me that being apart of gangs requires you to keep your eyes open and to watch your back because you never know who knows you and who doesn’t.
According to Mercury News, nearly 80 homicides were recorded in Oakland in 2016. You don’t want to be a victim of a homicide so it is best to stay to yourself and get your money. Since the incident, I move different and I stay to myself and I stay focused on money. My brother does the same.
It’s more to life than getting into shootouts and getting shot at. You don’t want to live a gang life having to watch your back and your surroundings all the time.