This story is a part of Lit Mag: The REDEFINED issue.
I was born with a unique name: Hanif. I have never met another person with the same name as mine which is very cool because I feel like the only Hanif in America. In this piece, I sample “Say My Name” by Destiny’s Child to define myself.
I am a performing artist in the entertainment business. I am a singer, dancer, designer, and producer. My goal is to one day develop myself into THE great entertainer. Since I was young, music has been everything to my family and myself. I participate in things that may help me grow as an artist from choir to band at school. I have been on the drill team and participated in baby Greek life as an Omega Djinn. I created a performing arts club at my school. I performed in shows at the Fox Theater and held my own listening party. Music is important to me because it helps me relieve stress. Making music makes me happy.