I started playing football when I was 8 years old and it was a way to ease my stress. And growing up in Oakland it was a way to do something productive in my community and a way to just have fun.
Let me take you back. Growing up with my brother going in and out of jail and me not having my dad, football showed me teamwork and how to work hard at everything I do. One coach named Solemn didn’t care if we won or lost he only care about us as a team. That taught me that no matter what I do as best as I can.
Also football taught me how to be a leader. For example, when were were in the huddle my teammates got off track so I had to be the one to step up and be a team leader. Or in practice when people are playing when coach is talking he would look to me to be the leader to help get order on the field.
Football also taught me how to keep my priorities straight. In order to play football, you had to keep at least a 2.5 GPA. That’s about average for High School; but my GPA was a 3.75. Not only can it help you with academics, but it also kept my body in good shape.
These skills that I learned in football can help me later in life to always work hard at anything I am doing. Now I know I can be a leader so I will use that to be a great person. Football changed my life for the best.